Friends Indeed: Bentwood Tavern gives back to Michiana community
One night a month, January through May, the Bentwood Tavern gives 50% of its food and drink revenue to a local nonprofit organization.
Chef Jenny Drilon is also a local treasure at Bentwood. A chef and restaurateur who got her start in Chicago, Drilon also owned several Michiana restaurants, including Jenny’s in Lakeside before moving to Maine. When she returned to the Michiana area around the time of Bentwood’s founding, she agreed to serve as a consultant for several months. Eight years later, she is still happily making great food at Bentwood. Part of what has kept her so involved and dedicated at Bentwood is the community-oriented entrepreneurship of its owners, as well as their commitment to great food and service. Her newest interest is creating vegetarian and gluten-free items that any diner would love. When she’s not creating in the kitchen, she loves to hook rugs with a group of like-minded friends.